In case I missed you at the IAC showcase in Springfield… It took me two days to get home as a result of the massive ice storm! I hope to hear from you regarding performances and residencies for 2007-2008 . I’m ready to go to work on our grant proposals (due at IAC mid Feb). Here’s what’s been going on with me.
News from David Stocker at Dijeridoo Productions
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Thanks to sleuths at Baker who helped me locate my missing conch shells. I knew from Frank’s info that the conch shells must have stowed away home in an unusual container…lo and behold the shells are now recovered from the depths of my studio where they had been packed with…oops! Chordophones!!!. Luke and I trumpeted for an hour that eve, we were so happy.
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Ian and I are making an overland trek to FLA this winter and will pick up still more conch shells as many friends and teachers have expressed interest in acquiring conchs and other instruments. These will become part of the new WORLD MUSIC BASKET offered to classrooms this year. (more info at www,davidstocker.net) The Florida tour includes a concert at KOA Sugarloaf Key on Dec 26 & 28 and a house concert in ORLANDO on New Years Eve with Haitian songwriter Jan Sebon! An early September tour with ONE DRUM took us to Duke University and Summit School in Winston Salem, NC. We also returned to the International Day of Peace Celebration with 700 student musicians on Sept 21.
These last weeks I wrapped up fall term residencies at Schiesher School in Lisle, Tibbott School in Bollingbroke, and Baker Demonstration School in Evanston.. where we built almost a thousand instruments with our own hands this Autumn. Interestingly, these residencies and performances were return events at each of these schools. I worked with some kids I’ve known for six years now. I logged 5000 miles on my minivan. It was an intricate 10 week dance moving parts, tools, the Sound Exploratorium and myself between three locations. Special thanks to point people Heather Ampel, Lisa Olsen, MIke Gnutek, Nancy Staszak, Arlene Leonard, Linda Kotalik, Anna Wilson and Doris Jackson. These events do not happen without special dedicated people on task many months ahead of the game. Parents, teachers, administrators, students, I have enjoyed meeting and playing with all…seeing us grow. Now I come up for air at the end of a million sequential details that were these weeks. With your feedback, each year this Origins of Music residency gets a little bit tastier and more fun for all. I’m grateful to have been with you again. “Sound izzzzz vibration!!!!”
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A short residency returning to St Edwards School in Racine, WI takes me into December and my 8th annual Holiday Program with the teens at Dolan Education Center in Durand, IL. Early in the Spring, I will be spending time building a music curriculum and 400 instruments at Valeska-Hinton Early Ed Center in Peoria and will spend a month at Hinkley & Big Rock Schools also with an Origins of Music residency. I will finish out the school year with a return to Spring Creek School in Rockford and Beaubien School in Chicago. These residency programs throughout the year receive significant Illinois Arts Council co-sponsorship as I enter my tenth year with state funded grant partnerships.
It is now open courting season for 2007-2008 grants till mid February. If you or anyone you know has an idea for a school assembly event, workshop or residency and wish to include my Origins of Music programs with the IAC grants, PLEASE GET IN TOUCH SOON.
You can download grant application pdfs at:
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This month, work is complete on the Hopewell Panpipe commission for the Field Museum in Chicago. This was an amazing project to recreate a 2000 year old flute based on an artifact that was discovered in a burial mound in Ohio in 1893. Friends started collecting turkey bones for prototypes just over a year ago. The journey took us to Kewanagh Penninsula in Northern Michigan where our Native American ancestors have been mining and annealing glacial float copper for more than 6 millennia! The flute replication made of Heron wing bones and hammered copper along with sound recordings that emerged these past nine months will be part of the new Ancient Americas Exhibit at the Field Museum opening March 2007. The opening ceremonies will include a March 10 kids workshop with me on making panpipes. As part of the opening, ONE DRUM will present a concert on May 26. These events are open to the public. I hope to see you there! I am booking guided school tours to the Ancient Americas exhibit at this time.
Endings…Beginnings. You are remarkable communities of beautiful people in this remarkable and beautiful world. I am more and more aware of how the years fly by us all. Peace.
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www.davidstocker.net www.onedrum.net 815-519-7599 DIJERIDOO@AOL.COM
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